Tuesday, September 6, 2011

And yet ANOTHER post!

I'm on a roll. But then, I had a lot of catching up to do. This is the post actually for the Honors Forum we had tonight! It may be a little messy because it is currently 9:19 and I would rather like to go to bed before midnight, but, hey, it will get done.

The Provost and Vice-President for Academic Affairs, Dr. John Thornell, spoke to us tonight. I'm still not entirely sure what a provost is but it's obviously someone important. He detailed something called experiential learning, which, I'm sorry, every time I heard it I thought 'exponential learning'. Yep, you know when Calculus 1 is getting to you. He grazed a wide variety of topics, ranging from What do you want out of life? to Is it possible for transformative experience to occur? to All living creatures have a purpose.
He said three things made a difference in transformative experiences- traveling, the ability to make a difference in someone's life, and volunteerism. And while this may not be called for, I cannot resist adding that I have both seen the Mississippi and been to Shiloh. Ha! I have also been to Europe. Three countries- Germany, Croatia, and Bosnia and Herzegovina. And I think I actually spelled that right. Wonders never cease.

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